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Master of Leadership Psychology, Pushkar Raj Thakur is one of the most Influential Motivational Speaker & Business Coach in India. Transforming millions of people, he is regarded as the Youth Icon and the Change Expert.
He has been featured into several publications such as The Times of India, Hindustan Times etc. He trains on Business Development, Success Mindset, Influencing People, Network Marketing, Personality Upgradation, Leadership, Sales, Performance Acceleration, Wealth Creation and Life Mastery. He is the Creator of his trademark Courses, "The Last Course for Your Best life", “Advanced Personality Development”, "Bang On in Network Marketing", "The Design of My Life" & "Performance Acceleration System". He is a Serial Entrepreneur and Founder of PRT Global Solutions, which is committed to inculcate Leadership and Entrepreneurship among people and inspire them to #GoSelfMade. ...
He is a consultant and advisor to many leading corporations in India and also conduct leadership trainings and motivational seminars for them including Maruti Suzuki! He has also impacted over 2 crore people with his Youtube channel with over half a million subscribers. People love Pushkar Raj Thakur for his Electrifying Motivation and Life Transforming Wisdom. He is Humorous and yet Thought Provoking Master of Motivation, a deadly combination in a Motivational Speaker!
Tarun Gill is India’s bestselling fitness author and an influencer with a following of more than 1 million.
He is also a founder of one of India’s biggest fitness media digital platform, TG Talks. He is a graduate from St. Stephens College, Masters in Journalism from Indian institute of MassCommunication and an MBA in marketing management.
After serving more than 5 fortune hundred companies including Metlife, HSBC, GE, IBM, Tarun took up fitness as a full time career, becoming India's first full time fitness Youtuber
Tarun is also an Amazon bestselling fitness author and a Founder of TG Connect, India's only fitness social recognition platform endorsed by famous Bollywood a listers. With his reach and network, he was able to launch, India’s first fitness TV show called the Indian Fitness
A Self made Entrepreneur, Viral Marketer, Social Media Dominator, Powerful Influencer, Successful Youtuber, Thought Provoking Rapper, Inspiration to the Youth and what else can we say about this Brilliant Personality one and only Mr. Abhinav Prateek. Abhinav Prateek has seen the bottom when he started his business with no money and now soaring on the top making millions with his business ventures. He is a Powerful Business Mentor and a Motivational Speaker who trains on Bootstrapping like a Pro. He has himself trained numerous people to start their Profitable Business Ventures and has a revolutionary vision to empower the world with his experiences, wisdom and success secrets. His Youtube channel has gained popularity among youth and has successfully impacted crores of people. Now when he is successful, he is focusing to create more success stories by training the future of India for the Bigger Change in the World. Involve yourself in his trainings and you will experience a Next Level of Thought Proving Cocoon of Millionaire Development.